Last night (Wednesday 9-8-10)

Last night Mom was so happy that she got to sleep. I went all night without needing to go outside for a potty break!! Boy did I have to go this morning though. Mom and everyone says I am already growing so fast. I think they might get me a new crate soon, or make me my own area of the house like my fur-sisters have. That will be so great! I will be sure to keep you guys reading my Blog posted.

The back yard...

I have been going outside with my fur-sister Destiny in the back yard. That is a scary place without my fur-sis. She helped my learn and practice going up and down the very high steps to get into the yard. I am doing pretty well with them, but sometimes I forget and have trouble. When I do, Destiny will go up and down the steps to remind me how. I love my BIG fur-sis!! I think I am starting to grow on her too.

My family. . .

So after the very looonnnggggg ride, we stopped at Grandma's. I got to meet other furbabies - Moose, Treasure, Wolf-E, and Puddles aka Uck. They were all so much bigger than me, except Uck. I liked him, but I don't think he was too keen on me! Oh well. I also got to see Meagan, Trisha, and Kyle. They all just love me of course!

After our visit at Grandma's we were back in the van AGAIN! This time the ride was much shorter. We were finally home! I got to meet my new (human) sister, and my (human) dad. I also saw my two new furbaby sisters. Autumn wasn't too scary. I will be as big as her soon. Destiny, well, she is really really BIG! I think I will take things slow getting to know her.

Everyone else was in bed, so I got to meet them the next day; a whole lot of them! I couldn't believe how many kids there are. I got 5 (human) brothers of all sizes! And there are even 2 other girls that think they are my sisters as well, even though they live across the street. Boy am I lucky to have such a big family, and they love to play too!

I got a new Mommy...

Hi Everyone! I am the red collared boy from New Zion's Prissy/Quest litter that was born June 21st, 2010. I had my LER done during Homecoming 2010 at Willard's in New York. There sure were a lot of people there! To my surprise, one of the ladies, that wouldn't leave me just lay around, came to New Zion on Friday September 3rd. Everyone kept saying she was my new Mommy! WoW! My new Mommy's name is Kristy, and she brought me some toys to play with. Don't say anything, but I LOVE TOYS!!! She also made me wear a collar and leash?!? I have no idea why anyone should have to wear those. I tried to tug and chew it off, but it didn't work!! Oh well. After we played some at New Zion, my Mommy put me in this weird smelling vibrating thing, and had my new Grandma (Karen Faith) hold me. I didn't really like that too much! But after a while we stopped so I could have a potty break, and then back into the weird smelling vibrating thing. Except this time they put me in a crate. I didn't really like this either, but it was much better than sitting up front with Grandma! So, we had a long, loong, looooooonnnnnnggggggg ride before we were going to be at my new home.